Monday, April 15, 2013

Veep's Julia Louis-Dreyfus Does Lunch With VP Joe Biden

Veep's Julia Louis-Dreyfus Does Lunch With VP Joe Biden
Veep's Julia Louis-Dreyfus Does Lunch With VP Joe Biden
Julia Louis-Dreyfus has brought wit and humor to the political spectrum playing the role of Vice President Selina Meyer in HBO’s Veep. Apparently, some people at the White House have noticed her big role and this weekend, Vice President Joe Biden expressed his support and approval by inviting Louis-Dreyfus all the way to the White House.

The fictional Veep was spotted heading to meet the real-life Veep on Friday, walking into the White House in a super cute collared dress. The two had lunch together, and then sat down for a photo opportunity in which Biden shuffled some papers while Louis-Dreyfus got to sit in the real-life office chair for a time, which can be viewed above.

Louis-Dreyfus recently spoke to Politico about her experiences on Veep and her upcoming role in Season 2, admitting that Biden has shown interest in her role in the past.

The Emmy has certainly helped the show to gain a little more prominence on the airwaves. Season 1 of Veep is currently available on Blu-ray and DVD and Season 2 is set to premiere on HBO tonight. Perhaps Louis-Dreyfus’ newfound acquaintance with the real VP will lead to some interesting guest appearances in the future.

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