Friday, April 19, 2013

Historically challenged: Justin Bieber fans get ‘Who is Anne Frank?’ trending on Twitter

Historically challenged: Justin Bieber fans get ‘Who is Anne Frank?’ trending on Twitter
Historically challenged: Justin Bieber fans get
‘Who is Anne Frank?’ trending on Twitter
MAYBE they should spend a bit less time listening to his music and some more time in history class – as Justin Bieber fans have got ‘Who is Anne Frank?’ to trend on Twitter.

Bieber courted controversy earlier this week after he wrote a comment in the guestbook at the famous house of Anne Frank saying he hoped she would have been a ‘belieber’.

His comments caused a media firestorm, with many commentators branding his comments as insensitive.

The singer’s young followers picked up on the controversy – however failed to fully understand what caused it.

‘Who is Anne Frank?’ began to trend on Twitter as the singer’s fans wondered who had caused their idol so much trouble.

One fan tweeted: “who is anne frank and why is she bullying justin bieber?”

While another said: “Who is Anne Frank she sounds like a loser #truth”

Earlier this month One Direction’s Harry Styles tweeted his sympathies on the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

It prompted a confused response from his legions of fans, many confusing her with the Queen, while others assumed she was a friend of Style’s.

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