Sunday, May 5, 2013

E! Online twitter hackers post fake gossip about Justin Bieber

E! Online twitter hackers post fake gossip about Justin Bieber
E! Online twitter hackers post fake gossip about Justin Bieber
According to New York Daily News, the hackers posted an "Exclusive" bit from Justin Bieber to E! Online saying ‘I’m a gay.’ This fake news led to 351 favorites and 1,200 retweets.

The group behind it call themselves the SEA, which stands for the Syrian Electronic Army. They are known for hacking into the Associated Press Twitter feed as well, racking up large amounts of false information. They are behind the hacking of the "60 minutes," BCC , NPR, and Reuters Twitter accounts.

According to Mashable, many other stars were hit with gossip as well, saying, “Angelina Jolie admits, in E! Latest issue, that Jordan is to blame for the Syrian refugees' atrocious conditions," and also “Exclusive: Selena Gomez tells E! She will fully support Justin In his coming out.”

E! Has suspended their Twitter account momentarily to resolve the issue: “E! Online's breaking news twitter and sms accounts were compromised today,” the organization said in a statement. “We're working to have this resolved as quickly as possible and are fully investigating the incident.”

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