Monday, May 13, 2013

Lindsay Lohan - Dina Lohan: 'Lindsay Is Happy And Healthy In Rehab'

Lindsay Lohan Rehab
Lindsay Lohan - Dina Lohan: 'Lindsay Is Happy And Healthy In Rehab'
Embattled actress Lindsay Lohan is "happy" and "healthy" as she serves out a court-ordered stint

in rehab, according to her mother Dina Lohan.

The Mean Girls star checked into the Betty Ford clinic in California on 3 May (13) as part of a

plea deal to avoid jail after she confessed to lying to police officers about a traffic accident

last year (12), violating her probation on a jewellery theft charge.
Lohan reached out to her mum on Sunday (12May13) to mark America's Mother's Day, and Dina reveals

the actress is doing well as she continues with her 90-day treatment.
She tells the New York Daily News, "I just spoke to Lindsay at Betty Ford. She's doing great.

She's clear, she's happy, she's healthy."
Lohan's mother had planned to visit her daughter to mark the special day, but the star insisted

she stay in New York with her siblings.
Dina Lohan also slammed reports the 26 year old wanted to leave the clinic after bosses allegedly

confiscated her Adderall medication, a stimulant used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity

She adds, "I don't know who's saying that. It's so evil. Lindsay will do what she has to do. She

just needs to breathe and find out who she is again. And she's going to stay there and do that."
The 50 year old also revealed her daughter's former legal representative Mark Heller worked for

free on the case, stating, "He's an angel too. He works for us for no money."
Lohan has officially re-hired her former lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley to help her deal with the


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