Monday, May 13, 2013

Miley Cyrus Calls Out Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez Fans Who Hate on Her

Miley Cyrus Looking Hot
Miley Cyrus Calls Out Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez Fans Who Hate on Her
Miley Cyrus has some choice words for her detractors.
The Ashtrays and Heartbreaks singer hopped on Twitter Sunday to share her thoughts on her

critics, specifically calling out fans of Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift who bash her. She also

encouraged her own followers to stamp out hateful agendas.
"Everyday someone with a Swift or Gomez in [their] name wishes terrible things upon me (death is

popular)," she wrote, adding, "Please Smilers don't ever think somehow you are supporting me by

being hateful towards other artist. My fans make me proud by supporting my music & everything I


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