Thursday, April 11, 2013

Angelina Jolie Points Out Wartime Sexual Violence At G8 Summit!

Angelina Jolie Points Out Wartime Sexual Violence At G8 Summit!
Angelina Jolie Points Out Wartime Sexual Violence At G8 Summit!

Angelina Jolie is such an inspirational woman!
Not only is the actress opening up schools with money from her jewelry line, Style of Jolie, but now she's standing up against wartime sexual violence!!
Miz Jolie attended the G8 Foreign Ministers meeting in London earlier today, and because she understands that "hundreds of thousands of women and children have been sexually assaulted in the wars of our generation," she wants to help put an end to it.
The Tourist star said:
During the meeting, Angelina and the British Foreign Secretary Wiliam Hague announced that the G8 nations is putting $36 million toward efforts to stop sexual violence, and we're so happy to see the 37-year-old beauty doing another nice thing!!

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