Saturday, April 20, 2013

Seth MacFarlane Asked To Host 86th Annual Academy Awards

Seth MacFarlane Asked To Host 86th Annual Academy Awards
Seth MacFarlane Asked To Host 86th Annual Academy Awards
There are already reports floating around the internet about the host of the upcoming 86th Annual Academy Awards in 2014. “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane hosted the 85th Annual Oscars, but commented that he would not be returning for another round.
After hosting the golden statuette show once already, he took to his Twitter account to say, “No way. Lotta fun to have done it, though.”
There are rumors making the rounds that Seth was asked — but the rumors do not suggest that an answer was given in the affirmative. The show’s producers Neil Meron and Craig Zadan will be back again next year and a source has revealed that they have approached Seth after the show garnered 40.3 million viewers in 2013.
The source said, “After defending his performance, the producers reached out to Seth and invited him back to host the show again. He’s not sure if he’s going to do it, but he has to decide within the next couple of weeks.”

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