Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lindsay Lohan back living in her teenage bedroom, report says

Lindsay Lohan back living in her teenage bedroom
Lindsay Lohan back living in her teenage bedroom
Lindsay Lohan has come full circle and ended back up in her teenage bedroom in Long Island, NY, the Daily News reports.

“For the past three months that has been her home base,” a source told the paper, adding her mom is all for with the arrangement. “Dina has been trying to get her to move home for years so she can keep a close eye on her. She didn’t want her in L.A. anymore. Not only is she in New York now, she’s in the next room.”

Lohan is in serious financial straights after the IRS seized her bank accounts in December. With few if any acting jobs lined up, she is getting by on red carpet appearance fees for parties and products, which can pay in the six figures.

The Daily News also reports that Lohan was trying to get a place in one of Donald Trump's buildings, but only at a deep discount, which apparently The Donald wasn't up to granting.

Lohan was out Wednesday night at a fashion week event in lower Manhattan, but the paper reported she didn't have to take a commuter train home.

“A car service she hires takes her to and from her mom’s," their source said.

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