Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lady Gaga's Little Monsters Wish Their 'Valentine' A Speedy Recovery

Lady Gaga's Little Monsters Wish Their 'Valentine' A Speedy Recovery
After a hip injury forces Lady Gaga to cancel her Born This Way Ball tour, fans take to social media to send her their love.

Lady Gaga has always been there for her fans, and now they are returning the favor. In the wake of the announcement that the Mother Monster is canceling the remainder of her Born This Way Ball tour dates due to "labral tear of the right hip," her devotees have turned out in droves to wish the pop superstar a speedy recovery.

The original announcement on her has more than 1,100 comments (as of press time) from fans since it was posted Wednesday evening, with fans wishing her a "speedy recovery" and for her to "stay strong." Gaga will need surgery for the condition.

While her condition seems to be serious, Gaga was still extremely apologetic, writing, "I hid it from my staff, I didn't want to disappoint my amazing fans. However after last nights performance I could not walk and still can't."

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